Sunday, July 10, 2016

Get on Track to Meet Your 2016 Goals

Get on Track to Meet Your 2016 Goals: (Courtesty of Buffini & Co.) Mid-year is when many real-estate professionals run out of steam. Fatigue and lethargy set in and it can be easy to forget what it is you’re actually working to achieve. However, the problem with losing momentum like this is that it means you’re either slowing up or going downhill! Instead of allowing yourself to get off track or lose sight of the goals you made at the beginning of the year, use this mid-year marker to reassess where you’re headed, refocus on the best way to get there and reapply yourself to ensure success. Here’s how:

Review Your Goals
Often, we can get so busy juggling our day-to-day commitments that our goals seem more out of reach than ever. Now is the time to remind yourself of your prescription for success. Do you really know what you’re trying to accomplish? Is your target clear and measurable?  Is your time frame realistic?  Go back and review your monthly, weekly and daily written goals. If you’re struggling, your coach can help to keep those goals in front of you, so you don’t drift.
Schedule It Out
If it’s not in the schedule, it just doesn’t happen! We can have the best of intentions when it comes to getting things done, but intentions alone won’t ensure we get to where we want to go. A good schedule is your lighthouse in the storm – without it, it can be all too easy to get distracted by a never-ending to-do list and neglect your priorities. Remember, the bulk of your day must be committed to activities that will help you achieve your goals. Ask your coach to review your time management processes and determine if your schedule is truly effective.
Remember Routines
The excitement of the real-estate industry is that no two days are alike. Unfortunately, this can also be a difficulty! In a world when we’re faced with what seems like a million choices every day, routines and habits minimize the choices we have to make. The more automatic something is, the more likely it is to happen. You may think you’re not a disciplined person, but you already have routines in place in your daily life. They have just become so engrained that you no longer notice them, like brushing your teeth. Ask your coach for advice on replacing any negative routines with positive, proactive ones.
You’ve already achieved so much. Don’t allow yourself to coast now. Your coach will help you refocus on your goals and get you back on track to make this your best year ever!

Want to learn more?  New students receive $50 off in the month of July!  More details here.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary. I am especially grateful for your consistent encouragement.
